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As of 05:52 PM (update)
Route 15—Fields Corner Station or St Peter's Square - Ruggles Station
6 min—Ruggles (#y1902)
0.6 miles away
19 min—Ruggles (#y1865)
1.0 miles away
31 min—Ruggles (#y1800)
0.5 miles away
44 min—Ruggles (#y1859)
1.4 miles away
58 min—Ruggles (#y1895)
1.3 miles away
Route 41—Centre Street & Eliot Street - JFK/UMass Station
22 min—Centre St & Eliot St (#y1705)
1.1 miles away
48 min—Centre St & Eliot St (#y1601)
1.4 miles away