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As of 09:43 PM (update)
Route 21—Ashmont Station - Forest Hills Station
7 min—Forest Hills (#y1711)
0.1 miles away
27 min—Forest Hills (#y1659)
2.7 miles away
52 min—Forest Hills (#y1690)
2.8 miles away
Route 24—Wakefield Avenue & Truman Parkway - Ashmont Station
17 min—Wakefield Ave (#y1606)
2.8 miles away
Route 215—Quincy Center Station - Ashmont Station via West Quincy
27 min—Quincy Center (#y0764)
3.8 miles away
Route 240—Avon Square - Ashmont Station
15 min—Avon Square (#y0772)
0.2 miles away
49 min—Avon Square