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As of 04:48 PM (update)
Route 32—Wolcott or Cleary Square - Forest Hills Station
4 min—Wolcott Square (#y1636)
0.8 miles away
10 min—Cleary Square (#y1711)
1.3 miles away
14 min—Wolcott Square (#y1705)
1.0 miles away
20 min—Cleary Square (#y1665)
0.2 miles away
26 min—Wolcott Square
33 min—Cleary Square (#y1677)
1.9 miles away
37 min—Wolcott Square (#y1612)
1.5 miles away
42 min—Cleary Square (#y1673)
1.7 miles away
46 min—Wolcott Square
52 min—Cleary Square (#y1631)
1.9 miles away
58 min—Wolcott Square (#y1668)
0.9 miles away
64 min—Wolcott Square (#y1636)
0.8 miles away