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< Back to 38—Wren Street - Forest Hills Station

As of 09:53 PM (update)

Route 38—Wren Street - Forest Hills Station

56 min—Wren St (#y1715) Arriving

Route 30—Mattapan Station - Forest Hills Station via Cummins Highway and Roslindale Square

38 min—Mattapan (#y1610) 0.6 miles away

Route 34E—Walpole Center - Forest Hills Station

19 min—East Walpole

Route 34—Dedham Square - Forest Hills Station

2 min—Dedham Mall (#y1708) 0.2 miles away
29 min—Dedham Mall (#y1614) 4.0 miles away

Route 36—Millennium Park or VA Hospital - Forest Hills Station

6 min—VA Hospital (#y1715) Arriving
36 min—Millennium Park (#y1635) 2.7 miles away

Route 39—Forest Hills Station - Back Bay Station

< 1 min—Back Bay (#y1214) Arriving
15 min—Back Bay (#y1261) Arriving
30 min—Back Bay (#y1208) 3.0 miles away
45 min—Back Bay (#y1252) 3.9 miles away

Route 51—Reservoir Station - Forest Hills Station

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Map view of Forest Hills