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As of 05:17 AM (update)
Route 65—Brighton Center - Kenmore Station
59 min—Kenmore (#y3246)
1.8 miles away
69 min—Kenmore
Route 8—Harbor Point - Kenmore Station
26 min—Kenmore (#y1723)
2.8 miles away
42 min—Kenmore (#y1886)
2.2 miles away
63 min—Kenmore
81 min—Kenmore
Route 19—Fields Corner Station - Kenmore or Ruggles Station
65 min—Kenmore (#y1910)
2.5 miles away
82 min—Kenmore
Route 60—Chestnut Hill - Kenmore Station
12 min—Kenmore (#y1767)
3.0 miles away
48 min—Kenmore (#y3236)
0.3 miles away