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As of 07:09 PM (update)
Route 88—Clarendon Hill - Lechmere Station
22 min—Lechmere (#y2113)
3.0 miles away
58 min—Lechmere (#y1974)
0.3 miles away
Route 80—Arlington Center - Lechmere Station
6 min—Lechmere (#y2111)
1.0 miles away
53 min—Lechmere (#y3131)
3.7 miles away
Route 87—Clarendon Hill or Arlington Center - Lechmere Station
9 min—Lechmere (#y3119)
1.1 miles away
41 min—Lechmere (#y2077)
2.0 miles away
80 min—Lechmere (#y2041)
0.7 miles away